Choose to remain physically active
Avoid using your car for going around to local market if that's close by. Use a bicycle or go walking. Plan weekends with family such way that includes some activity for all. There are many options. Go swimming, ride a bike or let the family have a game of soccer. Even a dance party is healthy.
Cut down your viewing time
Watching TV seems to have some direct relation to being overweight. That's because it's an inactive way of having fun. It takes away the chances of your going out or doing some useful activity within the house and all the time you are left watching commercials of unhealthy foods that you tend to eat. Restrict its viewing, especially for children and at meal times.
Include fish in your meals two times a week.
The American Heart Association supports the idea of eating fish twice a week. Fish offers healthy fats and many other nutrients. Try eating different kinds of fish.
Substitute treats with healthy snacks
Most kids like to have snacks. Instead of chips, colas, and candies or other sweets, try including healthier snacks, keeping in mind to avoid processed foods. Prepare snacks with two different food groups to have better nutrition. Some good options are fruits and nuts, cheese and vegetables with dips, and crackers made from whole grains.
Be wary of added calories from sodas
It's quite normal for children to like having fruit punch or sodas. These tasty drinks provide excess of calories, but hardly have any nutrients. Help you child to develop a taste for water for quenching their thirst. It's healthier to offer them low fat milk. Consumption of even 100% juices should be restricted.
Minimize fast food
Fast foods make the unhealthiest diet. These processed foods contain lots of fat, sugar and salt, making them full of calories that are not healthy for heart. You need to work hard to make your children realize the not so healthy ingredients of fast foods. Avoid taking your children out for fast foods. Set and promote good eating habits among children. Eat slowly to enjoy meals rather than having hurried meals while driving to work or dropping kids to school.
Stop smoking
The best thing that you can do for your family is not to smoke. This surely has positive effects on the family. That way you are improving the chances of your children not to opt for this unhealthy deadly habit as they grow up.
Get involved in child's school
Have a look at the kind of food your child is offered at school. Check if there is time for the child to indulge is some kind of physical activity during the day. If you are not too happy with either, do mention it to the concerned authorities at school.
Avoid using your car for going around to local market if that's close by. Use a bicycle or go walking. Plan weekends with family such way that includes some activity for all. There are many options. Go swimming, ride a bike or let the family have a game of soccer. Even a dance party is healthy.
Cut down your viewing time
Watching TV seems to have some direct relation to being overweight. That's because it's an inactive way of having fun. It takes away the chances of your going out or doing some useful activity within the house and all the time you are left watching commercials of unhealthy foods that you tend to eat. Restrict its viewing, especially for children and at meal times.
Include fish in your meals two times a week.
The American Heart Association supports the idea of eating fish twice a week. Fish offers healthy fats and many other nutrients. Try eating different kinds of fish.
Substitute treats with healthy snacks
Most kids like to have snacks. Instead of chips, colas, and candies or other sweets, try including healthier snacks, keeping in mind to avoid processed foods. Prepare snacks with two different food groups to have better nutrition. Some good options are fruits and nuts, cheese and vegetables with dips, and crackers made from whole grains.
Be wary of added calories from sodas
It's quite normal for children to like having fruit punch or sodas. These tasty drinks provide excess of calories, but hardly have any nutrients. Help you child to develop a taste for water for quenching their thirst. It's healthier to offer them low fat milk. Consumption of even 100% juices should be restricted.
Minimize fast food
Fast foods make the unhealthiest diet. These processed foods contain lots of fat, sugar and salt, making them full of calories that are not healthy for heart. You need to work hard to make your children realize the not so healthy ingredients of fast foods. Avoid taking your children out for fast foods. Set and promote good eating habits among children. Eat slowly to enjoy meals rather than having hurried meals while driving to work or dropping kids to school.
Stop smoking
The best thing that you can do for your family is not to smoke. This surely has positive effects on the family. That way you are improving the chances of your children not to opt for this unhealthy deadly habit as they grow up.
Get involved in child's school
Have a look at the kind of food your child is offered at school. Check if there is time for the child to indulge is some kind of physical activity during the day. If you are not too happy with either, do mention it to the concerned authorities at school.
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